The Kind of Nation We Are
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
- TITLE: "The Kind of Nation We Are" This Iraq thing is going to work, and we will all be glad we were supportive.
- "... Subscription Drive ..." If you missed the e-mail about the subscription drive, you should go here to read it.
- "... Washington Post ..." Here's the link from the Washington Post about Moran's comments on Jews an Iraq.
- "... Dreyfus Case ..." In the mid-1890's a French officer, Alfred Dreyfus, was accused, tried, and convicted of treason for selling secrets to the Germans. Contemporaneous accounts - notably a famous essay by the poet Emil Zola - and historians suggest the principal reason Dreyfus was singled out was because he was a Jew. 101 years after the fact the French army admitted the error. Here is a quick summary of the Dreyfus case.
- " ... pogrom ..." From the Merriam Webster Unabridged:
Etymology: Yiddish, from Russian, literally, devastation, destruction, from po- like (from po on, at, according to) + grom thunder;
1: An organized massacre and looting of helpless people usually with the connivance of officials; specifically : such a massacre of Jews
- Mullfoto of the Day:
One the joys of driving through West Virginia are the colorful place names. Who doesn't think a sign with both the phrases Cheat Lake and Fairchance Rd is funny?
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Actual Caption: In this series of images from video, the U.S. Air Force's 21,000-pound bomb Massive
Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB, detonates during a test Tuesday, March 11, 2003, in Florida.
Catchy Caption: Dear France ...
( AP Photo/Department of Defense)
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