Open a Hailing Frequency, Uhura
Monday March 12, 2001
- TITLE: "Open a Hailing Frequency, Uhura?" A hailing frequency on Star Trek, was an open radio channel which acted like an interstellar intercom.
Lt. Uhura was the communications officer in the original Star Trek series. She is given credit for being the first Black woman on a network television show to play a continuing character who was (a) a major part of the plot and, (b) was not stereotyped as a housekeeper, cook, etc.
Two years later, Diahann Carroll starred in the television show, "Julia " whereupon she moved the bar higher by being the first Black woman to star in a show playing a character with those same qualities.
- "…Jake Tapper's Salon.com…" Go here to see the Jack Tapper's piece.
- "… Sammy Davis, Jr. …" at the 1972 Republican National Convention, there was a
"Young Voters for Nixon" rally at Marine Stadium in Miami at which Davis was the entertainment.
Nixon appeared unannounced at the rally, and made some remarks in support of Sammy which led to this photo:
- "… MDS&P …" Mullings Director of Standards & Practices
- " …HALF-brother …" "Money was sought for Roger Clinton's help, lawyers say "
By Stephen Brau and Richard A. Serrano
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Attorneys for two men who sought presidential clemency say that their clients were solicited to pay large sums of money in return for Roger Clinton's help in their cases.
In one case, a Texas man paid $200,000 in two installments to an Arkansas company to secure clemency from imprisonment for fraud, said New York lawyer Edward W. Hayes. The convict was not released.
In the second, Arkansas lawyer Gene O'Daniel said his client, a North Little Rock caterer, was approached to pay $30,000 in return for Roger Clinton's help in winning pardon for a 10-year-old felony conviction.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"This is my Joe E. Brown imitation, Mr. President. How do you like it?"
-- Kevin Lamarque, Reuters
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