And Your Camel's Mustache, Too!

Monday, March 10, 2003
- TITLE: "Your Camel's Mustache, Too!" Wasn't there some fifth-grade insult which included a suggestion you make your dog walk backwards?
- "... Subscription Drive ..." If you missed the e-mail about the subscription drive, you should go here to read it.
- "... sou ..." From Webster's unabridged:
An old French copper coin, equivalent to 1/20 of a franc. Often used to describe any small amount of money as in "he hasn't got a sou to his name."
- "... Bill Gertz ..." Here's the link to the Washington Times piece on French cheating.
- " ... cancelled shows ..." (Partial Listing of the shows on which I have appeared which have been cancelled: Talk Back Live*, Donahue, John Gibson's MSNBC show*, Paula Zahn's FNC show*, David Gregory, Geraldo Rivera, Laura Ingram, Equal Time.
* indicates I was a guest on the FINAL show!
World War II Five Gallon Oil Ration Coupons
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Charlie Chan: The secret father of Saddam Hussein?
We cut-and-paste. You decide.
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