Grinding It Out
Wednesday, March 8, 2000
- "…Adlai Stevenson." Adlai Stevenson was an erudite candidate for President twice against Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956. He lost. Twice.
- "TKO" A boxing term: Technical Knock Out. This occurs when a fight is stopped by the referee or by the fighter not answering the bell for a round, or the corner "throwing in the towel." A regular Knock Out occurs when a fighter is knocked to the canvas as the result of a punch and cannot regain his feet before a ten-second count has elapsed.
March 10th States:
Wyoming 22
Utah 29
Colorado 40
91 Republican Delegates at Stake
March 14th States:
Texas 124
Florida 80
204 Republican Delegates at Stake
1,034 needed to nominate.
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