Tougher Than They Thought
Monday March 5, 2001
- TITLE: "Tougher Than They Thought" A good title inasmuch as it accurately introduces the main subject of the column and, for style points, each word starts with a "t." To get all 10's, the title should not only have had the visual "t's" but should also have had four words which either had the hard "T" or all had the "th" phoneme. But I got lazy and I decided three-out-of-four was enough.
- "�Dan Balz �" Go here to see the Washington Post article on tax bill President's Words Belie His Tactics, Democrats Charge
- "�End User License Agreement�" Everybody checks the "agree" box when the EULA agreement comes up even though no one has ever read one.
- "Terry "Beth Who?" MacAuliffe �" Terry MacAuliffe is the hand-picked chairman of the DNC. He was picked by Bill Clinton. Beth Who? Refers to Beth Dozoretz, a former finance chairman for the Democratic National Committee, who is up to her pearl necklace in the Marc Rich pardon.
- " �Sitka Spruce �" Picea sitchensis. There. That's everything you need to know about a sitka spruce, but if you NEED to know more go to page 42 of the book, "Trees to Know in Oregon".
- "�Asheville, North Carolina �" Here is the article from yesterday's paper about
the Lincoln Day speech
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"Pree-zent � Fire Extinguishers!"
-- AP Photo/Ng Han Guan
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