Howdy, Pardoner
Friday March 2, 2001
- TITLE: "Howdy, Pardoner" A stupid pun on the old western greeting, "Howdy, Partner."
- "…Michael Isikoff …" Go here to see the Newsweek article on the MSNBC web page on the newly discovered e-mails Pardon Mess Thickens
- "…quid pro quo…" I looked this up. It means, literally, "this for that." You owe me.
- "Ahm. In. Us …" Ominous. Beth Nolan said she thought the big press blow up would be over the Susan McDougal pardon.
- " … Lieberman-type" speech…" Joe Lieberman made a scathing speech on the floor of the Senate excoriating Bill Clinton over the Monica affair. He stopped short, however, of demanding Clinton's resignation.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"See no Evil. Hear no Evil. Speak no Evil"
-- Win McNamee/Reuters
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