Counting Delegates When Delegates Count
Wednesday, March 1, 2000
- Title "Counting Delegates When Delegates Count" The "Big Mo" phase of the Presidential primary season is ending. The actual counting of delegates, lots of delegates started last night and continues at a hugely increase pace next week.
- "McCain did win the open primary …" Washington State had three elections last night: A Republican Primary in which 12 of 37 delegates were selected (the other 25 will be selected at caucuses next week); a non-binding Democrats-only primary (which Gore won easily); and an open free-for-all primary which McCain won.
- "But a quick look …" Most major dailies now have web pages which more-or-less track what is on the front page of their printed editions. However, breaking news will be put on the web - the 21st century equivalent of a kid on the street corner shouting "Extra! Extra! Read All About It"
- Super Tuesday States
California 162
Connecticut 25
Georgia 54
Maine 14
Maryland 31
Massachusetts 37
Missouri 35
Minnesota 34 (Caucus)
New York 101
Ohio 69
Rhode Island 14
Vermont 12
Washington 25
613 Republican Delegates at Stake
March 10th States:
Wyoming 22
Utah 29
Colorado 40
91 Republican Delegates at Stake
March 14th States:
Texas 124
Florida 80
204 Republican Delegates at Stake
1,034 needed to nominate.
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