Title: "Puffy, Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?" If Jennifer Lopez had any fat the dress she almost wore at the Grammies would have shown it. Sean "Puffy" Combs is Jennifer's boyfriend. (see below)
"… the tactical will always overwhelm the strategic." Immediate problems need to be solved - immediately. Longer range problems, it seems, can always be put off until THEY become the immediate problem.
"…the George C. Scott movie …" Patton was the 1970 film for which Scott won the Academy award for best actor. He did not wear a revealing dress.
"…When David Duchovny …" Duchovny is the co-star of the Fox show, The X-Files.
Here is the list of March 7th Primaries:
American Samoa -
Democratic caucus
California -
Presidential primaries
Connecticut -
Presidential primaries
Georgia -
Presidential primaries
Hawaii -
Democratic caucuses
Idaho -
Democratic caucuses
Maine -
Presidential primaries
Maryland -
Presidential primaries
Massachusetts -
Presidential primaries
Minnesota -
Presidential caucuses
Missouri -
Presidential primaries
New York -
Presidential primaries
North Dakota -
Democratic caucuses
Ohio -
Presidential primaries
Rhode Island -
Presidential primaries
Vermont -
Presidential primaries
Washington -
Presidential caucuses