A Weighty Issue

Monday, February 18, 2002
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TITLE: "A Weighty Issue" Sometimes we just have to take on heavier subjects.
- "� Fletcher Christian �" The Masters Mate who led a mutiny on the H.M.S. Bounty in 1789.
Lt. William Bligh and a handful of sailors were set adrift in a small boat while Christian and
the mutineers took the Bounty to Pitcairn Island.

"The Mutineers Turning Lt Bligh & Part of the Officers and Crew Adrift from HMS Bounty" by Robert Dodd,
- "� Carl Cameron-Swayze �" The first television anchorman was a man named John Cameron Swayze (SWAY-zee) who anchored the newscast from 1949 to 1956. According to NBC only seven people (all of the male variety) have anchored the evening news:
John Cameron Swayze
(Feb. 16, 1949 - Oct. 26, 1956)
Chet Huntley and David Brinkley
(Oct 29, 1956 - July 31, 1970)
John Chancellor, David Brinkley, Frank McGee
(Aug.1,1970 - Aug.15,1971)
John Chancellor
(Aug. 16, 1971 - June 6, 1976)
John Chancellor and David Brinkley
(June 7, 1976 - Oct. 4, 1979)
John Chancellor
(Oct 5, 1979 - April 2, 1982)
Roger Mudd and Tom Brokaw
(April 5, 1982 - Sept. 5, 1983)
Tom Brokaw
(Sept. 5, 1983 - present
- "� Howie Hurtz �" A play on the name of the excellent media reporter for the Washington Post, Howard Kurtz.
- "� Juanita Rivera �" Joan Rivers
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the day:
Dutch speed skater Gerard van
Velde demonstrates the dangerous
"G�fie-L�ft" maneuver in the first-
ever Jump-Up-and-Down competition
at the Winter Olympic Games in Salt
Lake City
(Reuters Photo: Mike Segar)
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