I'll Take Either of Ours Over Either of Their's
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
- TITLE "I'll Take Either …" An absolutely partisan take on the debate.
- "The State of South Carolina …" If Bush had won in New Hampshire, or had even gotten close, this election would probably have been a walk-over for him. A minimal amount of campaigning would have been enough. The huge amounts of money which will have been expended in SC by the candidates and the outside groups will cause state economists to issue "seasonally adjusted" data for the next three years.
- "A McCain win in South Carolina …" McCain is currently leading in Michigan polls, largely on the strength of independent and Democratic voters. The Democrats have no primary in Michigan next week.
- "Here's a shocker …" According to the AP, the woman who was the head of computer services at the White House said that thousands of e-mails were suddenly classified as Secret (or higher) to protect them from the prying eyes of FBI and Congressional investigators.
- "As a reminder …" I will be in South Carolina on Thursday, so Friday's Mullings will be available at its normal time. I will also have special editions on Saturday and Sunday, as well as the regular Monday edition.
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