Three Outs. Let's Strike
Monday, February 14, 2000
- TITLE: "Three Outs. Let's Strike" A stupid pun on Three Strikes and You're Out."
- "Donald Trump is announcing today …" Warren Beatty toyed with the idea of running for President early last year, but gave up the chase. Jesse Ventura, the only major official ever elected on the Reform Party banner, resigned from the party on Friday.
- "All they needed was for Mickey Rooney …" Mickey Rooney starred in the movie "Boy's Town" with Spencer Tracy playing the part of founder Father Flanagan. "Boy's Town" is a school for troubled children - what used to be called a reform school.
- "With Ventura gone …" The Reform Party, by virtue of the percentage of the vote it got in the last Presidential election, qualifies for federal funding of its campaign to the tune of some $12 million. It is not exactly clear who is running the Reform Party today, or whether that question will be sufficiently answered (probably by the courts) prior to the November election.
- "…two words: Ross Perot." Perot, the founder of the mega computer services firm, EDS, founded the Reform Party and was, during election seasons, its principal source of funds. He ran for president twice, and is credited with (or blamed for) helping defeat President Bush in the election which sent Bill Clinton to the White House.
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