"� Angioplasty ... ": Here's a pretty good animation of what happens during an angioplasty procedure. The animation is labled: "Sample Use Only" so, if you were thinking of doing procedure at home ... don't.
Mullfoto of the Day
This is from the first morning of the first snowfall. Overall, in my section of Old Town Alexandria, VA we got nearly a yard of snow between the two storms. I don't mean a backyard; I mean 36 inches.
We are the Canadian women's biathlon team. We are a dynamic, positive and internationally competitive team of five women who share a common dream to excel at Canada's Olympics in 2010 and beyond. Despite the upcoming home Games, our team is in dire need of funding. This is our initiative to take control,
effect positive change and continue the success of our team.
Our goal is to empower and inspire women and girls by expressing the beauty of a healthy, athletic body. The net proceeds will go directly towards funding our expenses leading up to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
The calendar is high quality and professionally done. The size is 10 7/8" x 8 1/8" (275mm x 205mm), with 15 different photos (cover photo plus 1 for each of the 14 months January '09 to February '10).
I suh-WEAR I didn't know that the Canadian women's biathlon team had done this calendar. I'm shocked, frankly, but they have those guns, so I'll just keep my opinions to myself.
�2008 BOLD BEAUTIFUL BIATHLON. All Rights Reserved.