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Monday, February 10, 2003
- TITLE: "Hypocrisy" Either John Edwards is a hypocrite for saying he would support the South Carolina boycott then ignoring it; or the NAACP leadership are hypocrites for allowing the Democrats to ignore their boycott.
Or both.
- "... Subscription Drive ..." Here is a link to the Subscription Drive Page.
- "... NAACP press release ..." Here's the link to the press release declaring the moving of the flag in South Carolina unacceptable.
- "... ..." Here's the link to the South Carolina "The State" piece about John Edwards' ignoring the boycott.
- NEW BOOK! Here's the link to the preface - or maybe the first chapter - of the upcoming book by the
Mullmeister. Maybe. If I actually stick to it. Let me know. Its working title is The Mullings Book. Good, huh?
- Mullfoto of the Day:

This was shot out of the window of my flight last Friday morning at BWI airport during a snowstorm.
The truck is a de-icing vehicle. Note the hole in the fender (shown larger in the inset at the upper right).
It occurred to me that, as this vehicle is specifically designed to be used around airplanes, it did not give me a sense of confidence when I noted it had been run into something.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Actual Caption: Frank Wright of Lanesboro, Minn.,
marches with other protesters in rural Harmony, Minn.,
Saturday, Feb. 8, 2003, holding a sign reading 'What
Would Mr. Roberts Do?'
The problem is: He meant, "Mr. Rogers." "Mr. Roberts"
in the movie of that name which starred Henry Fonda,
was about an officer on a supply ship during WWII who
wanted a transfer to a ship of the line to get into
the war.
(AP Photo/Janet Hostetter)
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