With Losses Like These, Who Needs Victories
Friday February 2, 2001
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- TITLE: "With Losses Like These �" A take on the old saying, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?
- "�the no-holds-barred�" Right from the moment Ashcroft was introduced by President-Elect Bush as his choice for Attorney-General, the Left started the most desperate, coordinated, and harsh attacks. The were unable to make this into a major national story being of interest mostly here in Washington.
- "�60 votes to break a filibuster �" Senate rules require a minimum of 60 votes to "invoke cloture" which is the term of art for stopping a filibuster. House rules generally place strict rules on how long a single Member or a single side of an issue can speak on any issue or at any point in House proceedings.
Senate rules permit Senators to go on forever, if they can stand there. The reality of filibusters is they almost never take on the aspects of Jimmy Stewart's character in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
- "�Beat me, baby �" I'm not certain what this means, but I seem to remember it as at least a lyric from an Andrews Sisters World War II era boogie-woogie song, although I couldn't find it on any discography I looked at last night.
After I sent out the e-mail version, I found the correct line which was "Beat me, DADDY, eight to the bar" which was, indeed, and Andrews Sisters' tune from 1940.
- "What they had there �" A take on the famous line delivered by Strother Martin in the 1967 Paul Newman film, "Cool Hand Luke."
- "� Mike Bauer�" Here is the Amazon link to buy his book
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Photo of first donation to the Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
for Governor campaign.
-- Reuters Photo
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