The Plural of Caucus is Not Cauci
Monday January 24, 2000
- Title: "The Plural of Caucus is Not Cauci". The entry for the word "Caucus" from Webster's 1913 dictionary:
Cau"cus (?), n. [Etymology uncertain. Mr. J. H. Trumbull finds the origin of caucus in the N. A. Indian word cawcawwassough or ca\'a3 cau-as'u one who urges or pushes on, a promoter. A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to select delegates to a nominating convention, or to confer regarding measures of party policy; a political primary meeting.
- To learn about what happens at a caucus in Iowa, read David Yepsen's excellent summary here:
- "… 801 Steak & Chop House…" So named because it is in the building at 801 Grand Avenue which is the main drag in downtown Des Moines.
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