Be Careful What You Wish For
Monday January 17, 2000
- TITLE: "Be Careful What You Wish For" The old saying, in this case having to do with wanting more and more debates.
- "… January 24th Iowa caucuses …." Iowa does not have a primary election, per se. Each candidate tries to gather votes at precinct caucuses. In some way all these are tallied, reported, and analyzed leading us to the inescapable conclusion that someone will have won and others will have lost. February 1st, the New Hampshire Primary eight days later.
- "… Errol Flynn…" One of the greats in the long line of "dashing" leading men when leading men were supposed to be dashing. Flynn's movies often included a great deal of swordplay, such as in Robin Hood. He also had a way of putting his hands on his hips (arms akimbo), throwing his head back, and laughing in a manly way.
I taught The Lad to do this one Saturday morning on the subway from Falls Church, Virginia to the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum.
- "I appeared on MSNBC …" There are not more than eleven people watching MSNBC at 8:00 EST on a Sunday morning. But one does one's duty.
Fred Imus is Don Imus' brother. They speak by phone, on the air, nearly every day in the 7:00-8:00 AM EST hour. Fred lives in New Mexico which is five AM.
- "… Donna Brazile…" is pronounced like the country - Brazil - not Brazeel.
- "The National Archives …" At the heart of the case against Richard Nixon - known generally as "Watergate" which has given rise to calling ANY Presidential scandal something-gate (Monica-gate comes most recently to mind) - was the discovery of a secret White House taping system. After a number of unsuccessful challenges, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Nixon had to give the tapes up.
One of the tapes, from June 20, 1972, captured the discussions between Nixon and his top advisors about how to contain the scandal arising from the break-in of the Democratic National Headquarters which were located, at that time, in the Watergate Office Building - hence the name of the scandal "Watergate."
That tape, when played, had an 18 ˝ minute gap - nothing but a series of clicks and hisses. Nixon's secretary, Rosemary Woods, testified that she must have mistakenly hit the "record" button on the foot pedal she used to transcribe the tapes when she reached behind her to answer a phone call.
Photos at the time show Ms. Woods stretching, nearly straight out showing how she could have kept one foot on the pedal while she reached back to answer the phone.
- "… The sudden appearance of the Rose Billing Records…" After years of dodging legal requests for the billing records from her work at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, the records suddenly and inexplicably showed up in the residence at the White House. There has been no rational explanation.
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