
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
- TITLE: "Budget-Busting-Favor-the-Rich ... snore" It all becomes background noise.
- "... White House fact sheet ..." Here's the link to the White House fact sheet on the President's Economic Stimulus Package.
- "... EMBARGOED ..." Many Members of Congress and Senators send their reactions to their hometown media before the speech is even given. This is especially important to newspapers in the Eastern and Central time zones who's deadlines for their early editions have usually come and gone by the time the speech is finished.
There used to be an unspoken rule that you were not allowed to comment about something which was in the text but not actually delivered, "I found it interesting that the President had intended to mention saving the ground squirrel population in Upper Mooseback, but he left it out of his speech at the last minute" was not allowed.
Like so many rules nowadays, this one, like a verbal contract, is not worth the paper its written on.
- Atkins Diet update. As of Tuesday (day 6) minus 4 lbs. By the way, January 3 Mullings runs a photo of the Atkins Diet book; on January 6 Dr. Atkins gets the whole hour on Larry King. Coincidence? You be the judge.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Last night there were many receptions welcoming the Congress back and welcoming new Members town. This is Tom Cole who is the Freshman Congressman from Oklahoma's Fourth District, and a good bet to be Speaker of the House some day.
Here is the Mullings about his race which I wrote in September.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Is it just me or are Democrats not aging well?
(AP Photo/Terry Ashe - Reuters Photo/William Philpott)
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