Good News is No News

Monday, January 6, 2003
- TITLE: "Good News is No News" This is a reversal of the old saying, "No news is good news." It's not particularly new, but it fit so I used it.
- "... Miami Herald ..." Here's the link to the Miami Herald story about Bill Frist .
- "... Jeb Bush ..." If you missed the Mullings Election Night Travelogues, you can catch up here:
The "Election Night" Travelogues I: Getting There is Half the Fun
The "Election Night" Travelogues II: Being There is the Other Half
- "... Mudvayne ..."
From "Rolling Stone:" Hailing from Peoria, IL, the metal band (or "heavy music" band, to use the current parlance) Mudvayne
follows an approach similar to that of their fellow Midwesterners, Slipknot.
Ahh! They're like Slipknot. Now I understand. At dinner tonight ask your kid if they agree with you that
Mudvayne's music is simply derivative of Slipknot or whether it's a deliberate homage.
Then let us know how they responded!
- "... Fourth and 99 ..." This is a football metaphor which translates to fourth down and 99 yards to go (meaning you have the ball on your
own one yard line). This is not the kind of rah-rah language you want from your new state chairman.
- Diet update. As of Sunday (day 4) minus 2.75 lbs.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Alexandria, Virginia City Hall
last evening in the snow.
US World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
This was the President at Fort Hood last week listening to the troops sing "As the Army Goes Rolling Along."
This is why our service members love this guy.
(Reuters/Jeff Mitchell)
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