A 5.6 magnitude earthquake centered near Alum Rock in San Jose struck at 8:04 tonight.
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When the cable affiliates of NBC hosted the Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan a month ago they ran Chris Matthews in to do the questioning. Last night, the Dems got Tim Russert.You think there's no bias?
"and the best way to prevent that is a full court press on the diplomatic front."
And that seems to be working so well.
Having been born in NJ but raised in CA, Earthquakes are old hat. Glad you got to experience one! Thanks for not warning the world the sky was falling! Housing prices and congestion are much greater problems for CA than earthquakes.
Oh, and Long Island does have Earthquakes
As Scott Miller says Long Islanders do experience earthquakes:
"It was like a train coming under the building. You could hear the rumbling as it approached. You could hear it as it went by. And you could hear it fading in the distance."
NY Times (3/11/92)
...and last time I checked there are/were no subways in Nassau and Suffolk. Also I remember at least one, possibly two, incidents of palpable earth tremors during my youth in Huntington.
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The temperature figures logger testo 175-T1 is the imaginary accompaniment to your goods. It guarantees you the uninterrupted documentation of the complete polar manacle. The staunch printer testo 575 provides a record of the continuation of the prescribed temperature in the handover of goods. Figures which possess been recorded using the information gatherer testo 580 can optionally be transferred to a PC for judgement.
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