Will Imus Wear Blue Suits and White Shirts?
Wednesday, November 10, 1999
- Andy Hiller of WHDH-TV should be forced to listen to the interview radio host Don Imus did with Vice President Al Gore yesterday. Rather than wasting his opportunity, Imus asked - for the most part - the kinds of questions most of us would have asked had we had the chance. Unlike Hiller.
- Here's the question I wanted Don Imus to ask Al Gore: How many people are there with you, right now, feverishly writing notes on little pieces of paper?
- The crack team Gore has embarked on a new campaign: Al "I-Understand-Republican-Politics" Gore is analyzing the McCain campaign at every opportunity by suggesting McCain is getting a huge amount of support from independents. The obvious - even to me - ploy is to convince New Hampshire independent voters (who can vote in either primary election) to vote for McCain which makes fewer independent voters available to Bill Bradley. Want me to go over that again?
- This just in from our "When Geniuses Flock" Department. Here are two consecutive headlines from last night's AP billboard: 6:06 - Senator Byrd May Block Budget Deal; 6:07 - Helms Denounces Moseley-Braun Alone.
- Tuesday marked the 10th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Clinton Administration, unable to take credit in any way, shape, or form for ending the Cold War, ignored the moment.
- A Gore campaign aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, claimed Al Gore had been the person after whom Alec Leamas had been patterned in "The Spy Who Came In From the Cold."
- Pat Buchanan was heard muttering something about "the Homeland."
- Bill Clinton, is now less than one year away from being a lame duck. It appears he is betting the legacy ranch on two things: The Wye River Accords for Middle East peace and using the words "a personal mistake" as the only acceptable description of the activities which led to his impeachment last year.
- I am, by design, avoiding a cheap shot at the President's on-line town meeting yesterday by suggesting it was a thinly disguised lesson on how to get into Internet chat rooms.
- To everyone who e-mailed me to comment on my free-market approach to the Microsoft decision, I would hasten to point out that the decision by the HMO UnitedHealth Group to allow docs to make treatment decisions is a market-related decision, not mandated by the courts or Congress.
- One of those odd name things came up the other day when the spokesman for the America's Cup challenge series in New Zealand reported the break-up and sinking of the yacht, "Young America." The spokesman's name? Bruno Trouble. David Schwimmer was not aboard the damaged boat.
- Abe Hirschfeld, a New York City builder, announced on Tuesday that he is running for U.S. Senate from New York. Hirschfeld who is currently free after a mistrial last month on charges he hired a hit man to kill his partner, is running on the NY version of the Reform party. Just when you thought the Reform party had already attracted all the, er, interesting candidates. Despite his indictment on the killer-for-hire thing, Hirschfeld is not planning to write a book on George W.
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