
Oh, They LIKE Him in Texas
Wednesday October 25, 2000
- The Austin American-Statesman, on Sunday, endorsed George W. Bush for President .
- Unlike the tepid Washington Post endorsement of Al Gore the same day: "[Gore's] political clumsiness and know-it-all manner raises questions about his ability to inspire the country and work with Congress," the Statesman endorsement of George W. couldn't have been more positive if Karen Hughes had spent Saturday afternoon on South Congress Street writing it.
- Here's a summary graf of the Statesman's endorsement: "The Republican Texas governor has demonstrated the rare combination of humanity, humility and leadership in using the limited power of his office to lead and push a dynamic and growing state with grace, dignity and confidence."
- The endorsement looks at the issues of:
Social Security - "� Bush is right to challenge the system and
force new ways to think about a vital feature of our government."
Taxes - "Congress can't be counted on to do anything with a
surplus except spend it�The 'wealthiest 1 percent' Gore likes to
talk about would pay a heavier proportion of the tax load."
Defense - "Gore brags about being an active partner in this
administration. The administration's national defense policies are
nothing to brag about."
Foreign Affairs - "Most governors don't need foreign-policy
experience. That's not true with the governor of a border state�
Bush stood firm against [California Governor Pete Wilson's support
of Proposition 187]�It was not only right, but a smart financial
move. Texas got most of Mexico's trade. Billions of dollars of it."
Judicial Appointments - "While he has leaned toward what's
called 'pro-business' jurists, nothing about his appointments [to
the Texas courts] indicates hostility toward a woman's right to
choose whether she will or will not have a child."
Bush's Texas Record - "Bush has shown strong and impressive
leadership in education�Under his leadership, Texas public
schools have made significant progress on state and national
achievement tests � particularly among �Texas' African American
and Hispanic students [who are] leading their peers nationally
in reading and mathematics."
- To see the full endorsement of the Austin American-Statesman (which - by the way - you should print out, make copies of, carry around with you, and hand to your Democratic friends) go HERE.
- In case there is any confusion in the minds of your Democratic friends about where the Austin American-Statesman sits on the political continuum, it is owned by Cox Newspapers which also owns the Atlanta Journal-Constitution which, itself, has never been known as a mouthpiece for the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
- As long as we're in endorsement season, how about this one from the Philadelphia Inquirer on behalf of the Mullings' Long Shot Pick of this election, Congressman Bob Franks for U.S. Senate from New Jersey?
- "New Jersey voters, who get to decide one of the most watched Senate races in recent history, should go with experience. They should elect Bob Franks."
- About Franks' mega-millionaire opponent Jon Corzine who will have wasted upwards of $60 million of his own fortune trying to win this seat, the Inquirer asks, "Will liberals who wink at this sale of a Senate seat because they like Mr. Corzine's politics feel so comfortable when a conservative tycoon adopts his playbook next time around?"
- To read the Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial endorsing Bob Franks - especially those of you who have some bucks left in your checking account - go HERE.
- Just when you thought these people couldn't possibly politicize anything else, Robert Pear's NY Times piece describes the fact that the passage of a bi-partisan bill which will "provide health care to thousands of women with breast cancer" will be signed by Bill Clinton - in private.
- Why? Because Rick Lazio is a principal backer of the legislation. And the White House doesn't want to do anything which will prove that Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham's claim that Lazio is in the thrall of the GOP's right wing is bogus.
- According to Pear's report, "Normally, the president would leap at the opportunity to have a public signing ceremony and would throw open the Rose Garden to supporters of the bill in Congress and dozens of women whom the bill is intended to help."
- These are the final days of the longest campaign in American history - the Clinton/Gore Administration.
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