Let it Snowe, Let it Snowe
Rich Galen
Wednesday October 14, 2009
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I know your knickers are in a twist about U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) having voted to approve the Senate Finance Committee's version of health care reform.
I'm certain, by now, you have received 1,362 e-mail pleas, 742 phone solicitations and, this afternoon when the mail comes, there will be 48 URGENT! - OPEN IMMEDIATELY! direct mail pieces asking you to donate to any Republican who might deign to challenge Senator when she runs for re-election.
Save your money.
In the elections of 2006, you may remember, the GOP didn't do all that well. It was the sixth year of George W. Bush's term. There was that uncomfortable Mark Foley thing. There had been that awful Duke Cunningham thing. And that astonishing Jack Abramoff thing was still resonating.
Democrats picked up six seats in the Senate, 31 in the House and the world has been treated to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House respectively.
The Senior Senator from Maine was up for re-election in 2006. Olympia Snowe voted for acquittal in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton she is unabashedly pro-choice.
In spite of all that, Sen. Snowe won re-election with about 74 percent of the vote.
She doesn't have to run again until 2012, so if you think any of those people begging for money to defeat Snowe have a prayer-in-school of doing it - save your money.
Senator Snowe is on record as opposing a "public option" in health care. I am not certain whether the Senator would oppose a co-op in public option clothing, but I haven't tracked her every statement.
The bill which came out of the Senate Finance Committee does not contain a public option which raised another issue earlier yesterday when 30 - count 'em - 30 unions announced they would be opposing the Baucus bill.
According to the Associated Press, the unions "will run a full-page ad in newspapers Wednesday announcing their opposition to the Senate Finance Committee's health overhaul bill."
Well, well, well. It seems that the reports of the birth of health care reform may be premature.
According to Chuck Loveless, legislative director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the ad will state, "Real health care reform and nothing less."
That isn't going to win any Nobel Prizes for Literature. If I were AFSCME would have gone for "Real health care reform � or else." And then followed it up with:
� or else no driver's license renewals;
� or else no garbage pick up;
� or else no sewer treatment
And like that.
It would also mean no parking tickets so, it's not exactly black-and-white.
Oh, according to the AP "sponsors also include the AFL-CIO and the Communications Workers of America."
Help me out here. Unionized workers have health care, don't they? If the main reason to join a union is to have someone negotiate for benefits like health care, then what is their standing in this argument?
What the Left will do is flood the media with people being quoted demanding the public option. � or else. If the Left demands Senators vote against a bill that doesn't have that provision, then Harry Reid may be staring down the barrel of not even being able to get to a vote on the Senate floor, because he may not even get 50 Senators to agree, much less 60.
As the title suggests. The weather out here is frightful.
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On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to a bio of Sen. Snowe, the AP story, and the Mark Twain quote. Also a popular license plate Mullfoto and a Catchy Caption of the Day.
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