
The Nixonization of Obama
Rich Galen
Monday October 11, 2010
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At a fund raiser for Bill Johnson, the GOP challenger in Ohio's 6th Congressional District on Saturday night I talked about negative ads in the final three weeks of this campaign.
I said that human beings are hard-wired to love gossip. We all deny it, but we can't help ourselves.
Negative ads are nothing more than highly distilled gossip and are not designed to drive up votes for the candidate running the ads; they are designed to affect people who might have been thinking about voting for the opponent.
This is called: Voter suppression.
If your polling shows that you are losing independents 65-35 (as many incumbent Democrats are) then your goal is not to get those independents to vote for you - that's too hard. The goal is to get them to have doubts about your opponent and not vote at all.
Every two independents who watch your negative ads, throw up their hands, and say "a pox on both your houses" is effectively one vote for you.
Everyone says they hate negative ads, but they work and that's why campaigns use them.
Sorry. True.
The Obama Administration has successfully maneuvered Congressional Democrats into a position to lose the House for certain, and potentially lose control of the Senate as well. A big part of the problem is the switch in loyalties of independent voters.
According to a recent Washington Post poll, independent voters (who went for Democrats in 2006 by a margin of 57 percent to 39 percent) now favor Republicans by a margin of 49-36.
So, Obama and his political geniuses in the White House, need to suppress that independent vote.
They have decided to accuse the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, among others, of laundering money it collects from Chambers in foreign countries and using that money to influence U.S. elections.
There is no evidence. No smoking Yuan. No nothing.
Obama, at a political event in Maryland said, speaking of the Chamber:
"Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations."
The New York Times, not exactly a sister publication of Fox News, looked into the charge and determined that the Chamber brings in about $100,000 per year in dues from Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries, but has a budget of about $200 million and the Chamber takes pains to keep the foreign dues segregated from its domestic income.
The Times wrote that there is "little evidence that what the Chamber does in collecting overseas dues is improper or even unusual."
On the CBS Sunday show "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer asked White House political hack, David Axelrod if he had any if he had any evidence to back up his claim.
Axelrod answered with another question: "Well, do you have any evidence that it's not, Bob?"
To which Schieffer responded: "� is that the best you can do?"
In an obviously coordinated effort, the original charge against the Chamber was launched on a left-wing blog, thinkprogress.org.
A quick search shows that thinkprogress.org is a website which is owned by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the political arm of an organization run by John Podesta who was one of Bill Clinton's chiefs of staff and more recently the co-chair of Obama's transition team.
According to the website Sourcewatch.com, Podesta's outfit has received at least $3 million from George Soros and "receives undisclosed sums from corporate donors."
Undisclosed sums? From corporate donors? Some of which might have operations in foreign countries? The proceeds of which are being used to influence an election in America?
Well, now. Talk about the pot calling the kettle dented!
Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove are singled out in a new ad produced by the Democratic National Committee accusing them of "stealing American democracy."
Rove, never known to shrink from a fight, suggested this is evidence that Obama has an "enemies list," a reference to Richard Nixon's having compiled a list of political enemies which became public during the Senate hearings into the Watergate break-in.
I told the group on Saturday night that the best defense against negative advertising is knowing � and sharing � the truth.
Barack Milhous Obama. Change we can believe in.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to the NY Times, the LA Times, Face the Nation, the Center for American Politics Action Fund, and the Nixon enemies list.
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