I'm Not Rooting Against Obama
Rich Galen
Friday October 9, 2009
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In the "You Know How Much It Pains Them to Have to Publish This" Department, the Washington Post released the result of their poll on the Governor's race in Virginia which showed the Republican is leading in the race 53 - 44.
For those of you who, like me, are arithmetically challenged that is a nine point lead for Bob McDonnell over the Democrat Creigh Deeds.
In a similar poll three weeks ago, McDonnell had only a four point lead suggesting, According to the AP, "McDonnell is pulling away."
Virginia and New Jersey are the only two Governors races in the nation which, "are being closely watched as early voter verdicts on President Barack Obama and a Democratic Congress."
In New Jersey a new poll shows the Republican in that race, Christopher Christie, is leading the incumbent Governor Jon Corzine 43 - 40. There is a third candidate in the race who is getting 14% of the vote which accounts for the low total between Corzine and Cristie.
The problem for Corzine is, according to the poll, "Christie leads 44 - 32 among independents."
A twelve percentage point lead among independents is not good news for Corzine, but we'll see what happens there.
These races are the first two regularly scheduled statewide elections without Barack H. Obama on the ticket, or George W. Bush in the White House.
Dan Balz and Anne Kornblut, writing the Post's analysis say,
"The findings paint a portrait of the electorate that, if replicated elsewhere, stands as a warning sign for President Obama and Democrats who will be running in next year's midterm elections."
Oh! Wait! Is this going to generate more hate mail for my rooting for Barack Obama to fail?
I'm not. I'm rooting FOR the GOP candidates to win. Go ahead and hit the send key.
Speaking of not very good news for the President, the Associated Press' senior diplomatic correspondent, Barry Schweid has an analysis on the wire titled, "Obama's Woes Keep Piling Up Around Globe."
According to Schweid who has been covering foreign affairs for the AP for nearly four decades, Obama appears to be buffaloed on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Israel.
Schweid, to be fair, says Obama is on better terms with China and Russia based on "Obama's decision to shelve a plan for installing an anti-ballistic missile system in the Czech Republic and Poland."
Nevertheless, Schweid's bottom line - literally - is: "At this point, the bad news outweighs the good."
I'm not rooting against Obama. I'm reporting what the Associated Press wrote.
Way too many of you caught the error in Wednesday's column when I wrote that Copenhagen is in Holland and wrote to me to tell me that Copenhagen is now located in Denmark. I am also geographically challenged. Here's what I wrote to everyone who took the time to correct me:
All those Southwest Asian Countries run together in my mind.
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On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to the AP, Washington Post, NY Gov, and foreign policy stories. A Mullfoto which I took out of sheer terror and a pretty funny Catchy Caption of the Day.
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