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Allawi to Introduce Myself
Rich Galen Friday September 24, 2004
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From Boise, Idaho
Idaho Operation Homefront
Ah, drat. If you're John Kerry's campaign staff, this is not what you want to read in today's Washington Post about Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi:
"Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi leans on a lectern in the Rose Garden, a swagger in his pose. He's side by side with President George W. Bush, a man who knows something about swaggering. Allawi doesn't look out of place -- not here, perhaps not anywhere."
Not counting Tony Blair, Ayad Allawi is the most closely watched Prime Minister on the planet.
He is closely watched by John Kerry's campaign. We know this because Kerry, responding to the Prime Minister's speech before a joint session of Congress - which Kerry missed - and a Rose Garden press conference said at a fire station in Ohio, "I think the prime minister is obviously contradicting his own statement of a few days ago, where he said the terrorists are pouring into the country."
What Prime Minister Allawi said in full was:
"Foreign terrorists are still pouring in, and they're trying to inflict damage on Iraq to undermine Iraq and to undermine the process, democratic process in Iraq, and, indeed, this is their last stand. So they are putting a very severe fight on Iraq. We are winning. We will continue to win. We are going to prevail."
Well that's a little different. Who's writing this stuff for Kerry, Mary Mapes?
Kerry is down to his last trick. According to the Washington Post's Dan Balz:
"Kerry has seized on Iraq as a lifeline for a candidacy that only a few weeks ago appeared to be reeling. Beginning with a speech in New York on Monday, Kerry has launched his most sustained criticism of Bush on Iraq and aides promise the Iraq focus -- and the more hard-hitting posture -- will continue indefinitely as Kerry attempts to claw his way back into a contest that threatened to slide decisively away from him."
Understand what that means: Kerry must have American failure in Iraq to be successful. The last thing Kerry can have stand is for Americans to fall in love with Allawi and - or even believe him.
As Ron Brownstein wrote in the LA Times: "If Americans see Allawi as a credible messenger, that could boost Bush - whose management of the war and the reconstruction of Iraq are under increasing fire from Kerry."
Kerry trotted out - of all people - Joe "I-don't-know-nothin'-about-forgin'-no-documents" Lockhart to be the campaign's chief cynic. Lockhart said of Allawi: "The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips."
Nice. Very nice.
Let's do the side-by-side: Prime Minister Allawi lives in Iraq. John Kerry has not been seen in Iraq recently. Allawi was attacked and nearly hacked to death by Saddam's henchmen. Kerry has been windsurfing and trap shooting. Allawi is a neurologist. Kerry married a rich woman.
Here in Boise (that's pronounced BOY-see, not BOY-zee) there was a wonderful event on behalf of a group called Idaho Operation Homefront. The Idaho National Guard is in Ft. Bliss, Texas for training prior to being deployed to Iraq.
This group is raising money to pay for airplane tickets so the troops can come home and visit their families before being shipped out. I was honored to be invited to speak.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: A link to the Washington Post piece about Allawi at the White House and a Mullfoto showing the minimum respect due to the Mullmeister.
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