
From Little ACORNS Big Problems Grow
Rich Galen
Wednesday September 16, 2009
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ACORN is an acronym for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. It is one of those manufactured acronyms that come before the name is invented to fit the acronym. Does that explanation make any sense?
Whether it does or not, ACORN is an unreconstructed Liberal organization which was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the Obama campaign to turn out the vote for � Obama.
According to Fox News
The organization has been accused by Republicans and conservative activists with fraud in voter registration drives around the country and has been under fire since last year for its support of President Obama and for its planned participation in next year's census.
But, because it was a Liberal group doing potentially illegal things and the Liberal group was being accused by Republicans � whatever ACORN was doing was ignored, if not actively applauded by much of the major media,
Why would these evil Republicans asking for an investigation? According to the LA Times, "some workers were accused of submitting false registration forms with names including Mickey Mouse."
Could be that someone is actually named Mickey Mouse and wants to vote. You don't know.
That's not why ACORN is in the news now, though. It seems that in at least four cases ACORN counselors advised two young people who presented themselves as a prostitute and her pimp on how to cheat and lie to get a government sponsored mortgage. The videos of the transactions are posted on the BigGovernment.com website.
The two people - described by the LA Times as "conservative activists" - went into ACORN offices in Washington, DC, Baltimore, New York City, and San Bernardino, California and asked for advice on how to account the $96,000 in income the woman (who said her name was Kenya) had earned the previous year as a prostitute on her tax returns so they could buy a house.
She was told to list her income as $9,600 instead of $96,000 and in the block which asks for occupation say she was a "performance artist."
Wait! There's more!
Why did they want to buy a house? To use as a � um � house of ill-repute. Not just any old house of ill repute, but one which employs other girls. Young girls.
According to the Fox News website
The "pimp" later says that he and "Kenya" plan to bring up to 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador to work as prostitutes. Although an ACORN staffer points out their plans are illegal, she also suggests that the girls can be claimed as dependents.
Well, even ACORN people know you can't get away with claiming 13 dependents without someone taking a look-see so he goes on to advise them about how to get around that pesky problem:
"You are gonna use three of them," the staffer says. "They are gonna be under 16, so you is eligible to get child tax credit and additional child tax credit."
The man knows his tax law.
Last week the Census Bureau "severed its ties" with ACORN after these videos were released.
If the geniuses over at the Census can't use ACORN, maybe they should make a deal with Hamiz Karzai's brother.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development pays organizations like ACORN to help poor people work their way through the paperwork necessary to get a house. The Senate voted yesterday 83-7 to forbid HUD from doing business with ACORN.
The House will have to agree for HUD to be barred from contracting if with ACORN. Let's see if the House Democrats, whose tender sensibilities were so badly battered by Joe Wilson last week that they well and truly got the vapors and just had to vote for a Resolution of Disapproval for Wilson, have the guts to vote with the Senate.
According to the Examiner.com website:
President Obama, who was once an attorney for ACORN, has not commented publicly on the embattled group's growing troubles. Speaking to ACORN before last year's presidential election Obama promised to call on them during the transition and promised they would have "input into the agenda of the next Presidency of the United States of America".
Can we conclude that part of "the agenda" of the Obama Presidency is advising criminals on how to get a tax break by importing 14-year-old Salvadoran girls for the purposes of prostitution?
No. Of course not. But still. We can't wait to hear White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs describe how this whole thing is somehow George W. Bush's fault.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to the BigGovernment.com, LA Times and Fox News websites on this story. Also the list of the seven Democratic Senators who voted to allow ACORN to continue to operate for HUD. Also a Mullfoto showing the fall harvest bounty in Alexandria, VA and a Catchy Caption of the Day.
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