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Monday September 10, 2007
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The Mullblog!
Check out the new Mullings Blog.
You really should take a look. There's some good stuff there.
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del) is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He also happens to be running for the Democratic nomination for President.
On "Meet the Press" yesterday, Biden said of General David Petraeus, according to the Associated Press, "President Bush's war strategy is failing and the top military commander in Iraq is 'dead flat wrong' for warning against major changes."
Senator Biden called General Petraeus ignorant for warning about major changes.
I guess you could buy that except that General Petraeus won't be testifying on Capitol Hill about the level of success in Iraq until TODAY and tomorrow.
So, Biden - what, sensing a disturbance in the force? - has decided upon his position before the hearings have even taken place.
Ok. Let's go on.
In the latest pander-fest by the Democratic candidates for President, Hillary Rodham Clinton chimed in saying:
"I was against the surge when it was first proposed. And I believe that nothing which General (David) Petraeus or Ambassador (Ryan) Crocker or anyone else coming before the Congress will say next week will in any way undermine the basic problem: There is no military solution."
I know she didn't mean "undermine" but, again, one wonders why we are spending all that time, effort, and money bringing Petraeus and Ambassador to Iraq Crocker to Washington to testify if Hillary and Joe have already made up their minds.
John Edwards, also running for President told the audience in last night's debate
"What I'm concerned about, about the Petraeus report, is that it will be basically a sales job by the White House, that it'll be a PR document -- (applause) -- because that's what we've continually gotten from this administration, throughout the course of the war."
Edwards is taking a slightly different tack: He is saying that Petraeus will actually lie to the Congress in his testimony.
The closest John Edwards ever got to a military uniform was representing Fayetteville, NC, where Ft. Bragg is located, the home (among other units) of the 82nd Airborne Division.
More? Oh, sure. There's plenty.
Moveon.org, according to the Weekly Standard, is running "a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: 'General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.'"
Swiftboat Veterans for Peace? Remember how that organization was pilloried during the 2004 election for saying John Kerry was � well, you remember all that.
Moveon.org, an organization which is basically bankrolling the Democratic party, is calling one of Americas most senior military officers a betrayer of America.
Where is the outrage? Call Biden, or Clinton or Edwards a betrayer of American service members and you get a hatful of hate e-mails from people who will accuse you of "politicizing the war on terror."
As a matter of fact, where's the basic investigative reporting on who is bankrolling the bankrollers? Who's paying the bills over there at moveon.org?
Agree or disagree with President Bush's policies in Iraq; there has got to be some degree of maturity, some level of statesmanship, some - dare we say it? - amount of patriotism coming from the leadership of the Democratic party.
Yeah. Right.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Links to the Dem debate last night and to the Weekly Standard article. Also an amusing Mullfoto from New Hampshire and a Catchy Caption of the Day.
Also, if you haven't yet, you should check out the Mullblog!. There is interesting stuff there and, you can respond for the whole world to see.
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