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Ranger Rick Goes to Dinner
Rich Galen Thursday September 2, 2004
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Think about this: Madison Square Garden has enough space for about 12,000 people. There are 50,000 credentialed media here. There are some 5,000 delegates and alternates. And about 125,000 hangers-on; people like me.
Obviously they can't all get into the hall at the same time and, because one of the great things about one of these conventions - Republican or Democrat - is you get to see people you may not have seen in four years since the prior convention you do things like go to dinner.
It was in this spirit that Ranger Rick took last night off from convention floor duties and went to dinner with long-time friend Ambassador Jeanne Phillips at a small Italian restaurant just south of Central Park.
Lest you think there was some hanky-panky involved in this activity let me point out that along with Ranger Rick and Ambassador Phillips in the restaurant were James Carville, Paul Begala, New York political maven Arthur Finkelstein, Senator Chuck Hagel, and NY Governor George Pataki.
There is a keepsake photo of this dinner I know you'll want to see on the Secret Decoder Ring Page today.
After a good bit of table visiting and "how-are-you's" everyone went back to their respective groupings and left each other alone.
On the way from my hotel, I walked past a demonstration in front of Radio City Music Hall. I wasn't certain what the protest group was, but the guy on the loud-speaker was warning against a Constitutional Amendment which would allow Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to take out after "girlie-men everywhere."
That brought a lusty (if-you-know-what-I-mean-and-I-think-you-do) cheer from the crowd, but I didn't stop to further investigate. Poking around on the wires, I found a photo of this demonstration which you can also see on the SDR.
Walking around in New York City this week is an extra challenge because of the bazillion motorcades which are zipping through the streets with the same disregard for traffic lights and intersections we used to show driving around Baghdad in Humvees.
New Yorkers are trained from birth to cross any street at any time there is a break in the traffic notwithstanding whether the light is red or green. Jaywalking is not just a custom here, it is about the only way to get up, down, or across town on foot.
As some of you might have noticed, Ranger Rick is not without an ego. The dumbest example of raw self-aggrandizement so far this week occurred when I was asked to be on the BBC "Morning Show" which is UK's equivalent of the "Today Show" in the US on Wednesday morning.
"Sure," I said, fairly swelling with self-importance. "I'd be happy to." Then I was told that the appearance would be live at 6:40 AM London time which is � 1:40 AM Eastern.
There is only one 1:40 in my day. It follows lunch and precedes my afternoon nap.
Nevertheless, I stayed up, went to the all-night Starbucks and got a grande mocha, walked the 10 blocks to Madison Square Garden, did the three minute interview, walked out of The Garden, walked the 10 blocks back to my hotel and - because of the Starbucks - couldn't get to sleep until about four.
I know autumn doesn't officially show up until September 21 but, as far as Ranger Rick is concerned it arrived when I had to get up three-and-a-half hours later to do my regular Fox appearance.
Pride, I learned yet again, goeth before the fall.
On the Secret Decoder Ring Page today: More Mullfotos of New York, including one you'll want to frame and keep forever, plus a wire photo of the demonstration I walked past on my way to dinner.
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