
How Many Why's in Hypocrisy?
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
- Here is the essential difference between the campaign of Al Gore and the Campaign of George W.: When Bush selected Dick Cheney - by all accounts a good and decent man - the Gore campaign reacted with three days of the most vicious and personal attacks imaginable.
- Here is the attack on Joe Lieberman from Bush campaign spokesman, Ari Fleischer: "[Vice President Gore] has chosen a good man whom Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney respect."
- In post-convention Friday and Saturday TV-mini-debates, Democrats whined about the Republicans "talking about Democratic issues" during the convention. Now, with Joe Lieberman on the ticket, the Democrats have a guy who will be talking about Republican issues: School vouchers, parental notification, Social Security, tort reform, and affirmative action.
- I can hear Al Gore's whining even now: "Hey, no fair! Three against one!"
- Hypocrisy watch. Let's keep track of the people who have attacked George W. and Cheney for their positions who will now have to eat their words for the next 90 days.
- From Adam Clymer's NY Times piece: "Steven Rosenthal, political director of the AFL-CIO said that despite differences over trade issues and school vouchers, Mr. Lieberman "has had a very strong voting record on behalf of working families."
- AFL-CIO�rolling�over. Got it.
- On that pesky school voucher issue, Gore and Lieberman are polar opposites. Yet, the National Education Association - the country's largest teachers' union - had no trouble ignoring the differences: '"We have to look at who's heading up the ticket," said Kathleen Lyons, speaking for the union. ''There's no confusion about how Vice President Gore feels about this issue."
- O�K� just� you�know�testing.
- Dave Espo's AP Piece: "[Lieberman] has spoken out strongly against violence in the media, joining with GOP values czar Bill Bennett on that point, a position that may cause heartburn among the Hollywood donors who help the party."
- From Sarah Tippit's Reuters piece: " Hilary Rosen, president and chief executive of the Recording Industry Association: "It is true that Sen. Lieberman has been particularly critical of the entertainment industry," Rosen said. "Nonetheless, while we have disagreed with him at various times, we share the common goal of doing what is right for America's youth."
- Let...me�write�that�lyric�down.
- From Academe: Richard Walter, chairman of the screenwriting program at UCLA, said "No one is more outraged at Lieberman's attacks on Hollywood than I, but I support him," Walter said. "He's less awful than the Republicans would be. I think there's also someone more anti-media than he and that's Tipper Gore. She's a book burner, a censor, and I'm still going to vote for her husband."
- For�extra�credit�define�tenure.
- Ironically there was only one person in the entire country who could inject Monica Lewinsky into the Presidential election debate: Joe Lieberman.
- Senator John Breaux of Louisiana said on CNN of Senator Lieberman's speech excoriating Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky: "I think the American people admire someone with the political spine to do what is right.''
- Breaux�calls�every�other�Democrat�including�Gore� "spineless."
- Senator Lieberman on Bill Clinton: "Such behavior is not just inappropriate, it is immoral. And it is harmful, for it sends a message of what is acceptable behavior to the larger American family, particularly to our children, which is as influential as the negative messages communicated by the entertainment culture."
- What�was�Gore's�reaction�to�Monica�Oh�yes�One�Of�Our�Greatest�Presidents.
- Sooner or later here is what is going to happen: People will begin to compare the honesty and integrity of Joe Lieberman with Al Gore. In fact, they will begin to compare the honesty and integrity of George W., Dick Cheney, AND Joe Lieberman with Al Gore.
- Hey, no fair! Three against one!
-- END --
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