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Happy Days are Here Again
Rich Galen Wednesday August 4, 2004
Happy days are here again�
Being around most of the senior Democrats in the nation for a week began to make me wonder whether I was reading the Dem's convention all wrong.
Maybe they WERE making progress. Maybe John Kerry beginning his acceptance speech with a salute which made him look like a six-foot-two-inch-sixty-year-old-Botox-altered version of Shirley Temple, WAS a good idea
See today's Secret Decoder Ring for an astonishing "Separated at Birth" photo.
Maybe this IS the beginning of the end for George W. Bush. Maybe Republicans SHOULD hit the panic button! Maybe running into the streets screaming - like extras in a re-make of "War of the Worlds" [starring the suffocatingly omnipresent Ben Affleck as the handsome, windblown scientist] - IS what we should be doing.
The skies above are clear again...
Adam Nagourney, the principal political reporter for the NY Times:
"�the emerging [polling] data would seem to be less than welcome news for the Kerry campaign � Going into the convention, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee chairman, predicted that Mr. Kerry would enjoy an eight-point gain in support after the convention. Mr. McAuliffe did not return telephone calls on Monday."
All together shout it now�
How about those reports that swing voters were swooning over Kerry's speech? Here's one from Sarah Schweitzer writing in the Boston Globe about a swing voter in Ohio:
"I was disappointed he didn't go more into what he'd do about the war on terror," [the voter] said. "I would have liked him to take more of a stand on his record in the Senate." And, "He didn't have to bash [President] Bush so much."
And a Columbus Dispatch poll has Bush plus three in Ohio.
So, let's tell the world about it now �
Let's talk, for a moment, about Kerry's unwavering opposition to sending jobs overseas, but his willingness to send American sovereignty overseas. According to Newsweek's senior foreign affairs correspondent Michael Hirsh wrote that in an interview recently a "senior European diplomat" said, "Some countries in the European Union will not do anything to prevent a regime change in Washington."
The Heinz-Kerry/Edwards campaign is walking a very fine line in trying to sell to Americans the notion that he will seek the approval and endorsement of the French and the Germans before he will set our foreign policy course.
Someone wrote recently that the Jacques Chirac and Gerhardt Schroeder, in opposing the war in Iraq, were not operating in the best interests of the war on terror; nor were they operating in the best interests of their nations' security. They were - and this is something which has been lost on the US popular press - they were operating solely in their own personal POLITICAL interests.
Schroeder barely won re-election based upon his stated opposition to President Bush. Chirac, whom we know to be the latest in a long line of anti-American French leaders, lied to Secretary of State Colin Powell about France's support at the UN.
These are the guys whose approval John Kerry is seeking.
There's no one who can doubt it now �
The Dem's favorite loser, Howard Dean, was on Wolf Blitzer's Sunday CNN program - but obviously off his medication - saying that Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge's warning of potential attacks in New York, Newark, and Washington was politically motivated.
By saying that, Dean - and the Heinz-Kerry/Edwards campaign - have politicized the danger of a terrorist attack on the US.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not suggesting that the Heinz-Kerry/Edwards campaign is, in any way, hoping for an attack on the US. But, if they are serious about the war on terror, they should publicly state that Dean is no longer welcome as an advisor to - or even a supporter of - the Heinz-Kerry/Edwards campaign.
Yeah. Right.
Happy daze are here again.
On the Secret Decoder Ring Page today: The transcript of the Dean/Blitzer interview; the "Separated-at-Birth photo promised above, an interesting Mullfoto and a funny Catchy Caption of the Day!
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