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Murky Waters and Judge Roberts
Rich Galen Friday July 22, 2005
The Republican National Committee and the White House are being pretty smart about this whole Judge John Roberts thing. They have successfully kept the Right in check, and allowed the Left plenty of room to demonstrate the are out in left field, so to speak, on this.
Yesterday afternoon while driving to the CNN bureau in Washington to appear with your friend and mine, Paul Begala, I heard Maxine Waters (D-CA) proclaim that she was going to fight the nomination of Judge Roberts because he is anti-abortion law, anti-labor law, anti-conservation law, anti-law of conservation of angular momentum and anti-Avrogadro's number.
I made up the last two. Ms. Waters is not known for her close attention to particle physics.
She also said, in opposition to the current popular theory that President Bush has finessed the Left with his choice of John Roberts, "George Bush is not as clever as he thinks he is."
To that, I said on the air, "Maybe the President isn't as clever as he thinks he is, but he's still way more clever than Maxine Waters."
Not exactly coffee out of the nose stuff, but still, guffaws all around.
The Left is in full voce and the GOP is perfectly happy to provide the microphones. As they complain, on the one hand, about his known positions, they also complain that his short, two-year tenure on the DC Circuit Court doesn't give them enough to complain about.
As an example, the Gay City News quotes the political director of the Gay lobbying group, the Human Rights Campaign as saying, "There is a lot that we don't know about this nominee's views on LGBT issues."
Ok. Fair enough.
Dear Mr. Mulllings:
We know you are oh-so-plugged in to the jargon of Washington, but for those of us in the Red States we would appreciate you telling us just what "LGBT issues" means.
The Society for Keeping America on the Straight and Narrow
Oh. Sorry. "LGBT issues" would be those issues which are of concern to Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals, and Transsexuals.
We're sorry we asked.
So, having established "we don't know" Roberts' views, a spokesman for the Gay Men's Heath Crisis claimed, "Judge John Roberts cannot be given the opportunity to make law for what may well be the next 30 years."
The GMHC is missing an essential point: The reason President Bush nominated Judge Roberts was specifically because he does not want a Supreme Court Justice "making laws" for the next thirty days, much less the next thirty years.
We talked about the National Abortion Rights Action League's position which was established even before Judge Roberts was even nominated. On their website the NARAL gals state: "If Roberts is confirmed to a lifetime appointment, there is little doubt that he will work to overturn Roe v. Wade."
As part of their "Supreme Court Action Kit," the NARAL call to action is contact your local media because, "Americans must hear more than just right-wing propaganda."
It looks as if the Left is going to have to swim upstream on this one. Reporter Jesse Holland in the Associated Press, following a meeting of Senate moderates wrote, "[E]ven though Democrats are uncertain about Roberts' judicial philosophy, not a single Democratic senator so far has called for the conservative jurist's outright rejection."
The strategic victory the White House will win on the Roberts nomination is this: The President will get a relatively young, relatively Conservative appointee to the Supreme Court; and non-aligned voters are getting a big dose of why they are uncomfortable with the Democratic Party.
Especially the Maxine Waters wing of the Democratic Party.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: Lots o' links today. Yet another license plate Mullfoto, and a Catchy Caption of the Day.
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