
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
- Senator Paul Coverdell of Georgia died yesterday.
- If Paul hadn't been a United States Senator, he would have been the world's most perfect staff member. He had a unique combination of skills which allowed him to see the big picture; understand what was necessary to accomplish the tasks leading to the goal, and - most uniquely among Senators - the perseverance to see it through to the end.
- I first met Coverdell when he was the Georgia State Republican Chairman and I was the party's computer consultant. It will come as no surprise to those who knew him, that the Georgia Republican Party had an extremely efficient computer system by the time we were done.
- He was a good man. A very good man.
- I was not going to write about the Hillary flap but when the President weighed in, it took on greater significance.
- In a most remarkable phone call, Bill Clinton broke away from the Middle East peace talks at Camp David to tell the New York Daily News that Mrs. Clinton "might have called him a bastard. I wouldn't rule that out. She's never claimed that she was pure on profanity."
- All right, class. Let's review: The President of the United States says, in effect, it would not surprise him to find out that his wife called some guy "a bastard." His not "pure on profanity" remark could lead us to believe the "F" word has escaped her lips, perhaps, once in her life. We know she has used the word "Jew" because it is a legitimate way to describe 30 percent of the Democratic base vote in New York.
- The only remaining question is: In what order did she use those three words?
- The real problem for Mrs. Clinton is not whether there is proof of her actually using an anti-Semitic slur. The problem arises for Mrs. Clinton if this episode becomes a metaphor for everything else New Yorkers don't like about her.
- Al Sharpton, meanwhile, is thinking maybe Hillary isn't so bad after all.
- In a staggering re-definition of "anal retentive" Florida Senator Bob Graham has produced 4,000 notebooks worth of diaries which included such momentous entries such as the color of the shorts he changed into following an appearance on a Sunday talk show.
- Senator Graham is being seriously considered by the Gore campaign to be Al's running mate.
- Richard Cohen, columnist for the Washington Post wrote, "I deeply suspect Gore has even more notebooks."
- A campaign which contained a ticket of Al Gore and Bob Graham would be like The Truman Show � with cramps.
- At a dinner with a Member of Parliament (Tory) the other night, great glee was evidenced when we recognized he was wearing a tie from Harrod's and I was wearing a tie from Brooks Brothers - our respective national clothing stores. It was like The Truman Show � with a Windsor knot. A House of Windsor knot.
- The Paris Metro is celebrating its 100th anniversary today. Given the great humor of French public employees it would not be a surprise if they marked the date by going on strike. It's like The Truman Show � with surly neighbors.
- Speaking of striking public employees, 14,000 members of various Philadelphia public unions are threatening to strike next Tuesday night. There are 45,000 visitors expected in Philadelphia for the Republican National Convention. Maybe this would be a good time for Philadelphia and Paris to renew their old ties. It's like The Truman Show � with guest star Ben Franklin.
- The Middle East Summit may or may not produce results before President Clinton leaves for Japan this morning for the G-8 Meeting. Clinton, nonetheless, gets points for bringing both Arafat and Barak together. It's like the Truman Show � from right to left.
- House minority leader, Dick Gephardt, has now all but announced his refusal to run as Al Gore's Vice Presidential nominee. Gephardt's people did not want him to be put in a position which would allow Gore to reject him. It's like the Gore Show� Gore is no Truman.
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