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Fair & Balanced?
Rich Galen Friday July 12, 2004
All of the early coverage in the mainstream media of the Democrats' celebrity-laden fund raiser in New York the other night was about the enormous amount of money it generated - some $7.5 million.
Many of the participants, if I am not mistaken, had promised to leave the United States if George W. Bush won, but they're still here. The unfairness of it all.
Lost in the early coverage was (a) the top ticket price was $25,000; a little steep for many of the "little people" with whom Senator John Edwards claims such solidarity, and; (b) the outright ugliness of the comments of those who chose to participate - especially Whoopi Goldberg.
Goldberg's comments were so off-color and distasteful that they have become a campaign issue: The Democrats are refusing to release the tape of the performance because they realize that allowing the voting public to actually see it - and, potentially much more damaging - the crowd's positive reaction to it, would be extremely powerful in demonstrating the kind of language about the President the Democrats will not only tolerate, but will encourage.
Much of the mainstream coverage of all this has been to allow Democrats to compare a prepared performance by Goldberg, who was recruited by Democrats to raise money for Democrats at an event which was highly promoted to Democrats, with a single word within a one-time private conversation between two grown-up men on the floor of the US Senate.
In Sunday's Washington post this is the story line-up for the "A" section of the newspaper. This is all true:
Page A1 - "Kerry Vows to Restore 'Truth' to Presidency: Democratic Ticket Assails GOP Values as 'Distorted' " Positive Kerry
Page A1 - "Saudis Facing Return of Radicals: Young Iraq Veterans Join Underground" Negative Bush Policy
Page A4 - Chuck Babington's weekly political column which contains an anti-Bush piece about gun control; a negative piece pointing out that Mel Martinez - the White House's candidate for the US Senate nomination in Florida - is a former president of the Florida Academy of Trial Lawyers; a positive piece about the movie "Fahrenheit 9/11"; a positive Democratic piece in which a Black (Dem) lawmaker launches a racial slur against a White (GOP) Member of the House but gets away with it; and finally a positive piece about a the Committee on the Present Danger which is re-forming itself as an anti-terrorism organization. Positive, perhaps only because Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn) is honorary co-chairman.
Page A5 - "Political Face of Florida Latinos Changing: Puerto Rican Influx Gives Democrats Hope of Ending Cuban-GOP Dominance" Positive Democrat
Page A6 - ENTIRELY, the jump from the front page pro-Kerry piece headed here: "Ticket Pledge Values Debate on Its Terms, Not the GOP's" Positive Kerry
Page A7 - ENTIRELY, "Excerpts from Interview with Democratic Candidates" Positive Kerry
WAIT! There's More!
Page A8 - ENTIRELY, "Kerry, Edwards Revel in Brotherhood of Campaign: Energy Enthusiasm Infectious as Democrats Take Message to Battleground States" Positive Kerry
Page A9 - "Nation in Brief" column: Of the seven short items, four are clearly anti-Bush, two are slanted anti-Bush, and one is a crime report from Washington State which is politically neutral.
Page A10 - "Bush Pushes for Ban on Gay Marriage: Vote on Constitutional Amendment Could Come This Week" This unsigned Associated Press piece is either Positive Bush (for supporting the Constitutional Amendment) or Anti-Bush (for supporting the Constitutional Amendment) depending upon your position on the issue.
Page A18 - In the "World News" portion of the "A" Section. "In Iraq, Showdown Looms Over Self-Rule for Kurds: Regional Leaders Say They Will Not Give up Quasi-Independence" Anti-Bush Policy
Page A19 - "CIA Skewed Iraq Reporting, Senate Says" which is a rehash of the coverage from Saturday's editions. Anti- Bush Administration
Page A21 - The jump from the front page piece about Saudi terrorists "Saudi Fighters Return from Iraq" Anti-Bush policy
Page A22 - "Fate of Filipino Hostage in Iraq Unclear" in which the decision of the government in Manila to stick to its long-planned deadline of August 20 to bring its small detachment home from duty in Southern Iraq could have been in the headline but isn't, so the piece gets an - anti-Bush Policy rating from our panel of experts.
The Federal Elections Commission should investigate the Sunday Washington Post as being an illegal corporate contribution to the Democratic Party and the Kerry campaign.
On the Secret Decoder Ring Page today: A link all of the Washington Post stories listed. See for yourself. Also an important disclaimer as well as a clever Catchy Caption of the Day.
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