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Vice Presidential Candidates
Monday June 14, 2004
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John Kerry wants John McCain to be his running mate.
Sen. Joe Biden (D-RI) said on Meet the Press that such a "national unity ticket" would go a long way towards "healing the vicious rift" which he says is confronting the United States. This is another example of a core belief of the Democratic Party in the US: If Republicans don't bend to the will of Democrats then it is bad for America.
As it happens, John McCain does not want to be John Kerry's running mate nor, one suspects, anyone else's running mate. But the damage to Kerry's campaign is already done: He needs to run with a Republican to beat George W. Bush.
If the Democratic Party believes having a Republican run with Kerry is what's best for America, then I am happy to do my part to help with national unity. Here are some suggestions for John Kerry and his campaign to consider:
Rudolph Giuliani
The former Mayor of New York is very much like McCain. He is an independent thinker, will not adhere to any message line, and will publicly disagree with Kerry at a moment's notice. As a former Federal prosecutor he could be given oversight of the Justice Department to keep him occupied and out of mischief borne of boredom.
Newt Gingrich
The former Speaker of the House is very much like Giuliani as an independent thinker and an independent, er, speaker. On the message front, Newt is even better than Guiliani or McCain because he won't think it necessary to wait until Kerry speaks before disagreeing with him. As a former Speaker he was number two in the line of succession to the Presidency. Also, it would be a rush to have someone named "Newt" as Vice President.
Dan Quayle
Shares McCain's qualities of having been a member of the House and the Senate and, as he now hails from Arizona, can bring that critical Southwestern feel to the campaign. Also has the advantage of having served as a Vice President so he knows how to do it. As America's most famous National Guardsman, he can oversee the rebuilding of the nation's Military Reserve components.
George H.W. Bush
Has ALL of McCain's qualities including having been shot down while piloting a fighter plane in a war and having served in the US Congress. Also, has been a Vice President and, because he served only one term as President, is Constitutionally qualified to serve as Veep again. Having lived in Midland, Texas - known generically as "West Texas" - Mr. Bush is only one state (or if you take the southern route, one country) away from Arizona.
Dick Cheney
Has experience as a Member of the US House, as a White House Chief of Staff, and as Vice President of the United States. Because he also has experience running a major US corporation, Kerry would benefit from having the advice on economic policy of someone other than Theresa Rodham Heinz Kerry.
Rush Limbaugh
Has a ready-made constituency. Is as politically polar-opposite to John Kerry as anyone in America so, according to the Biden Doctrine, is the best possible person for Kerry to pick. Because he has had some experience in radio, he could take over that whole Saturday radio message thing and have people actually listen. Also it would be a newt to have someone named "Rush" as Vice President.
The best thing about these Vice Presidential choices is this: There is no question about their qualifications for the job; any one of them would make a better President than John Kerry.
Dear Mr. Mullings:
Aren't you leaving someone out?
The AFL-CIO Good Government Candidate Selection Committee
Oh, that's soooo sweet! But I couldn't possibly spare the time. What with cranking out Mullings three days a week and doing all those important appearances on afternoon cable news chat shows and sitting for Titus the Wonder Dog now and again, I'm really booked.
On the Secret Decoder Ring today: The text of the 22nd Amendment on Presidential term limitations; A photo of President Bush 41 skydiving yesterday, and a photo of the funeral procession enroute from the Capitol.
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