One Man's Disorder is Another Man's Pageant
Wedday, April 12, 2000
Al "I-Invented-My-Mother" Gore got lost in Embellish Land again yesterday when he said his mother had gotten the exclusive men's-only Nashville City Club to change its charter and admit women. It turns out the club changed its charter to admit women - to the dining room. The Boston Globe, yesterday had a comprehensive look at Gore-in-Mouth disease.
A few days ago a Reuters wire story characterized the people who favor Elian Gonzales staying in the United States, thus: "In Miami, � right-wing Cuban exiles have threatened a campaign of civil disorder if Elian is sent back to Cuba."
Yesterday afternoon National Public Radio described the people threatening to shut down Washington during the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings this week as preparing to "recreate the pageantry of the demonstrations in Seattle."
Is it just me, or what?
If you want to keep an eye on the dangerous left wing demonstrators undertaking their campaign of civil disorder, take a peek through a camera perched atop a building across the street from the World Bank courtesy of our friends at the Guest Choice Network. Go to the Secret Decoder Ring page and watch from there.
Poll Stuff:
USAToday/CNN/Gallup: Bush 50 - Gore 41.
Zogby: Bush 46 - Gore 42.
Marist: Bush 47 - Gore 44.
American Viewpoint: Bush 44 - Gore 37.
That would be four-zip in polls released yesterday and reported in the "Hotline." I don't believe these polls mean anything because the election is NOT being held today, but I guarantee you that if the numbers were reversed they would have been front-page, top-of-the-newscast stuff all day yesterday.
U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) is being accused of assaulting a security guard at LAX a couple of weeks ago after she told the Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that his suitcase was too big to go through the x-ray scanner.
Chairman of the Rhode Island Democratic Party, William Lynch, said the Congressman is "resigned to the fact that because his name is Kennedy, these types of things that ordinarily wouldn't mean anything are totally blown out of proportion." Right. If his name were Galen instead of Kennedy it would have meant his ordinary, out-of-proportion butt would have been hauled off to the pokey.
The Bush team began moving into the Republican National Committee yesterday with the arrival of former Texas State Chairman Fred Meyer to take over Victory 2000 - which is the state-by-state political effort. Meyer is bringing with him Maria Cino to oversee the political activities and Jeanne Johnson Philips to keep track of finances and general operations. I have worked with and/or for all three of them.
When Meyer took over as GOP Texas chair there were about two statewide Republican office holders. After he got things turned around, there were a half dozen major ballot slots for which Democrats did not even file candidates.
Neighbor Maria Cino was the Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee in the 1994 and 1996 cycles and therefore gets major credit for helping win control of the House in the 1994 elections. There are maybe three people in the country who understand the ins and outs of Congressional Districts from Maine to California. Maria is one of them.
"JJ" Phillips is a pal of long standing. Her fundraising credentials include heading the money operation for both of George W.'s successful gubernatorial campaigns. But that's not where her real strength lies: She is also a very canny and sophisticated political strategist.
AP Lead: "Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman said Tuesday he would decide soon whether to make a large buy of surplus sugar to prop up domestic prices." Let me get this straight: The Clinton/Gore administration will intervene to make sugar MORE expensive, but won't do anything to make gasoline LESS expensive. Ok. Got it.
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