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Let's Go
Friday March 21, 2003
According to the White House, at 7:12 pm Eastern time on Wednesday evening, the President gave the order to attack. The words? "Let's go."
This was every bit as eloquent as the order given by General Eisenhower when he decided to invade Europe at Normandy which was: "We go."
The dumbest question of the day was one asked by CNN's Aaron Brown to CNN's Pentagon reporter, Jamie McIntyre. McIntyre was unable to specifically place the location of many of the main allied land forces after which Brown asked: With all the high technology available to him, how is it possible that the Commander of the forces in the region, Tommy Franks, doesn't know where his troops are?
McIntyre, somewhat sheepishly it seemed to me, responded that he didn't have any doubts that Tommy Franks knew where his forces were; it was the news media which didn't know.
In the words of the world's most famous Chihuahua,
Ren H�ek: Yewww, Eeeedjyut!
Protesters temporarily blocked traffic on the Key Bridge which leads from Virginia into Georgetown. It was a gentle protest as suggested by the Washington Post, "Antiwar protesters aggravated traffic in a few locations." This was on the heels of two days of horrible traffic because of that tobacco growing goofball who drove his tractor into the reflecting pool on the Mall.
Here's a tip for protesters: Washingtonians, Northern Virginians, and Marylanders generally do not favor a death penalty. Unless you screw up traffic. Then they will urge the cops to shoot you.
Several years ago some poor soul was threatening to jump off the Woodrow Wilson Bridge south of
Washington tying up traffic on the Capital Beltway for about four hours. This is true: People were calling radio stations urging the police to push him off.
NBC's Andrea Mitchell who rarely has anything good to say about the Bush Administration, when asked about the growing coalition against Iraq said, "The 'coalition of the willing' is less than it seems." She went on to list some of the smaller nations which are supporting the United States while pointing out that the real countries: France, Germany and Russia, were opposing.
In the olden days - last week - the inability of the UK and the US to get the votes of the vital nations of Cameroon and Guinea was testimony to the "failure of diplomacy." What am I missing?
Wire services reported the US Senate unanimously approved a resolution which ""commends and supports the efforts and leadership of the President, as Commander in Chief, in the conflict against Iraq."
One of the co-sponsors? Tom Daschle. Go figure.
Here's how you get though a war: You run into a grandmotherly lady in the parking garage of the local grocery store. You hold the door for her as she walks, very gingerly, toward the elevator.
When she gets in and invites you to join her, you say, "I'll do almost anything to share an elevator with a cute girl."
She tells you how she broke her kneecap earlier in the winter but is doing much better now. You suggest that a cold, rainy night such as this must make it more difficult.
She tells you that, in fact, she was just coming from her church where she had gone to attend a special service to pray for the safety of the young men and women in Iraq and, when it was over, she had stood outside and looked up so she could "feel the cleansing rain" on her face.
You lean over, kiss her on her beautiful, clean cheek, thank her, and turn away before she can see your eyes overflow.
On the Secret Decoder Ring page today: The best Catchy Caption of the Day ever. Period. Plus a link to the White House web page which keeps track of coalition members and the usual things.
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