
Do Over!
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
- Here's when I first understood that Linda Chavez' nomination to be Secretary of Labor was in deep, deep trouble: Geraldo Rivera and I agreed, during his show Monday night, that the building controversy surrounding the nature of her relationship with the woman from Guatemala was mostly bogus.
- I also said, to Deborah Orin of the NY Post for Tuesday's editions, "[Bush] will see this as a gut check to show he's not going to get pushed around - unless she lied to him. Then she's gone�But so far there's no indication she has lied."
- There is an axiom which is absolutely bankable here in Your Nation's Capital: It's not what you do, it's whether or not you come clean about it. Don't believe me? Ask Bill Clinton, as, you know, a random example.
- Yesterday afternoon reporters were suggesting that Ms. Chavez had not come clean with the Bush people about whether or not she knew the immigration status of her houseguest. At her press conference announcing her withdrawal, Ms. Chavez said (in response to a question) that "I think I always knew that she was here illegally."
- Here's the teaching point: If Ms. Chavez had told the Bush transition vetters at her first meeting that this circumstance existed, they might well have decided to hire her anyway. But the Bush team would have had the opportunity to mount a positive defense - in effect, holding yesterday's news conference a week ago: a parade of people in need to whom Ms. Chavez has reached out and helped in a life-changing way.
- That would have allowed them to get out in front of the story.
- But they didn't have the opportunity to make that decision because Ms. Chavez never told them. So, the story took on a life of its own and Mr. Bush has to take another card from the pile. He gets a do-over.
- The Left - mark my words - will make a bigger mistake than Ms. Chavez did. Those who disagreed with her policies, will think they blocked her nomination. They will believe they can now go after John Ashcroft and block his nomination to be Attorney General.
- Watch this.
- John Ashcroft is the most decent of men. There are a lot of people who will disagree with his positions on issues. There will be a lot of people who will try to make the Senate hearing process as uncomfortable as possible.
- There will be a lot of people who will believe they have some momentum now that Chavez has withdrawn.
- John Ashcroft will be the Attorney General of the United States.
- Here's the example: The other night Rev. Al Sharpton was on Hardball with Chris Matthews. Sharpton speaking about the recent election issues in the Sunshine State, said that the Ashcroft nomination had to be defeated so "a Florida" doesn't happen again. Hey! Reverend Sharpton! Can I caaaallll yewwwww Al?
- "Florida" happened under a Justice Department which has not only been under the control of a Democratic President, but has been under the control of an Attorney General from � ta-da � Florida.
- Why don't you march back and forth in front of Janet Reno's house?
- California Governor Gray Davis is praying, PRAYING for January 20th to hurry up and get here. This, so he can blame the state's energy crisis on the Bush Administration. For all the positive and upbeat talk by the Gore team during the campaign, the Bush folks are inheriting a very dangerous Middle East, a sinking economy, and a very serious energy crisis.
- Thanks, Bill.
- The only thing. The ONLY thing with which Al Gore and I agreed on was his global warming policy. Now we find out that this past November and December were the coldest since Og the Caveman and Raquel Welch boogied across the Bering Straits.
- Thanks, Al. Can I call YOU Al?
- Here at the Presidential Inaugural Committee every office has the names of its inhabitants on the wall outside. There are a large number of Heathers, Kristins, and Megans on the female side. There is also no shortage of Brians, Erics and � Chads.
- You have to feel badly for all the young men in politics named, "Chad" given what went on in Florida. Just as we felt badly for all the school children named Orenthal, after that unpleasantness in California.
-- END --
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