Hi. My name is Rich Galen
Yes, Mr. Galen. Thanks for coming in. I'm Roberta Smith. I'm coordinating the hiring for the Gov. Al Newman '16 campaign for President.
What job are you applying for?
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor for what?
What Senior Advisor positions are still open?
Let's put that aside for a moment, Mr. Galen. I have some questions to ask before we go too much farther.
First have you written any columns, blogs, Tweets or Facebook entries?
In how long?
Well, yes. I write an on-line column called "Mullings."
How many have you written, would you say?
Last time I counted was in 2008 and it was 1,500 by that time, so I guess another 8-900 since then. Let's say 23-24 hundred columns.
And Facebook. How many Facebook "friends" do you have?
I think, 5,000. But when I joined I thought having the most friends was a contest so
Yes. And Tweets? How many Tweets have you, er, Tweeted?
About 8,500.
Ok. We'll need copies of any and all writing, columns, blogs, Tweets and Facebook updates. We'll also need any notes, transcripts, or recordings of any speeches, radio, or TV appearances.
For what?
To see if you've ever written or said anything that might be provocative and, therefore, potentially embarrassing to Governor Newman should you be hired.
First, if they weren't at least a little provocative no one would care what I wrote or said; and Second, printing all that will be the centennial output of several old growth forests.
They're all stored on Hillary Clinton's server, so I'll have to get back to you.